Data Compression files

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

ACT03-95.ZIP Archive Comparison Test A.C.T. is a monthly report comparing 29 compression programs (archivers) for speed and ability to compress files. The archivers are tested on TXT, EXE, 669, BMP and multiple files. It also includes a checklist of special features some archivers can perform and the e-mail addresses of the authors.
ACT-21.ZIP Archive Comparision Table,a comparision between 39 different archiving programs.
ARC_FMTS.ZIP ARC/LZH/ZIP/ZOO fileheader format
ARCHIVES.ZIP Discussions on different packers
AV.ZIP Unarj source in C
C_ARC.ZIP Arc source in C
C_ARJ.ZIP Arj source in C
C_LAR.ZIP LAR cruncher source in C
C_UNCR.ZIP Uncrunch source in C
C_UNZIP.ZIP Unzip source in C
COMP430D.ZIP Unix-compatible 16bit compress/uncompress/zcat
COMP430S.ZIP C src: Unix-compat. 16-bit compress/uncompress
COMPDEM.ZIP Compression Plus in basic
COMPFILE.ZIP Compressing your executables, something for nothing?
COMPRESS.ZIP Compression (FAQ)frequently asked questions #1
CXE103.ZIP Collection of compresion routines (not zip). With C source code a toolkit.
DC_STAN_.ZIP Proposal for data compression interface standard.
DCC91_RE.ZIP Report on 1991 Data Compression Conference.
DDJCOMPR.ZIP Top 6 programs of DDJ data compression contest
DEARC.ZIP Dearc 3.1 - unarchive ARC/PAK files (pascal)
DECOMP2.ZIP Unix-compatible 16 bit uncompress, w/C source
DEZIP15.ZIP This is a program to extract files from ZIP archives.
DRFIF1.ZIP From the desk of Dr FIF, Fractal Compression FAQ
DRIVET.ZIP About Choosing a Drive Type in an AT
FAST_COP.ZIP Fast block move routine for 68000 microprocessor.
FAXCOM.ZIP Example source for Arithmetic compression
FINDAT.ZIP Find-ATA v1.0 - An ATA interface identify drive utility
FOXSLZ1.ZIP File compression techniques for Forth program developers. Perhaps challenging all the other compression techniques.
HUFF_SC.ZIP Huffman compress encoder/decoder, C src & EXEs
HUFFMAN.ZIP Artikel om Huffmankodning
HUFFMAN2.ZIP Huffman compress/decompress written in Quick Basic
HUFFMANN.ZIP Huffman-compression in Pascal (german)
HUFFMANT.ZIP Here is a quick tutorial on generating a huffman tree from a value/frequency set
LDS.ZIP LDS (lossless datacompression sources) kit
LH5SOURC.ZIP LH5 compression source
LHA211.ZIP LHA 2.11 file archiver source (asm/C)
LHASRC.ZIP LHA ver 2.11 source in C and Asm
LZ_C.ZIP Data compressing algorithms lzari/lzss/lzhuf - H.Okumura (asm)
LZ_COMP2.ZIP Data Compression Algorithms of LARC and LHarc
LZ13.ZIP Limpel-Ziv file compress/decompress w/ASM src
LZASM.ZIP Lempel-Ziv algorithm based file compressor (asm)
LZHSRC10.ZIP Lzhuf compression/decompression, turbo c source!
LZHUFE.ZIP File Compression Routines in pascal
LZPIP103.ZIP Portable lossless compression library - LZW/deflate (C)
LZRW_HEA.ZIP Header files (.h files) for C code.
LZRW1.ZIP LZRW1 algorithm implemented in 68000 assembler.
LZRW11.ZIP LZRW1 algorithm implemented in C.
LZRW12.ZIP An Extremely Fast Ziv-Lempel Data Compression Algorithm
LZRW1-A.ZIP The LZRW1-A algorithm in 68000 assembly
LZRW1-A1.ZIP LZRW1-A algorithm implemented in C
LZRW1-A2.ZIP Release notes for LZRW1-A algorithm.
LZRW1KH.ZIP Source to a fast compression algorithm
LZRW2.ZIP LZRW2 algorithm implemented in C.
LZRW21.ZIP Release notes for LZRW2 algorithm.
LZRW3.ZIP LZRW3 algorithm implemented in C.
LZRW31.ZIP Release notes for LZRW3 algorithm.
LZRW3-A.ZIP LZRW3-A algorithm implemented in C.
LZRW3-A1.ZIP Release notes for LZRW3-A algorithm.
LZRW4.ZIP Description of LZRW4 algorithm (not yet implemented).
LZRW45_C.ZIP Release notes for LZRW4 and LZRW5 descriptions.
LZRW5.ZIP Description of LZRW5 algorithm (not yet implemented).
LZSSLIB.ZIP Windows LZSS compression library
LZW.ZIP Source of a fast packer
LZW4C12.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library For C.
LZW4C13.ZIP LZW4C v1.3: data compression library for the DSCR: LZW4C is a data compression library for C programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the best generic compression algorithm known today. Supports Borland Turbo C, Microsoft C, and MIX Power C.
LZW4C14.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library for C DSCR: LZW4C is a data compression library for C programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the best generic compression algorithm known today. Supports Borland Turbo C, Microsoft C, and MIX Power C.
LZW4P14.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal DSCR: LZW4P is a data compression library for Turbo Pascal programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the best generic compression algorithm known today.
LZWANDGI.ZIP Lzw and gif explained
LZWEXP.ZIP Lempel-Ziv-Welch Explained
LZWPC.ZIP Lemple-Zev Compression Routines in C
PACKING.ZIP Data compression algorithms of ARC, PKZIP and LHARC
PCDZIP20.ZIP Fast free UNZIP program, with ASM source
PIBLZW.ZIP Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression method - Phil Burns (pascal)
PUZZLEBO.ZIP Povisional patent for Puzzle box.
PXSRC_21.ZIP Source Code To Polyarc Compression Utility
QBCOMPRS.ZIP 5 Different compression algorithms in QB basic
RLE16_SC.ZIP RLE compression (16-bit header), C src & EXEs
RLE8_SC.ZIP RLE compression (8-bit header), C src & EXEs
RLL.ZIP RLL Technical Details
RW_INFO.ZIP Information about Ross Williams and his activities.
SCRNC102.ZIP Makes self-uncompressing EXE/COM/TXT files
SHRINK12.ZIP Shrink 1.2 file archiver source (ZIP compatible) (pascal)
SLZ_ART.ZIP Simple Compression using an LZ buffer
SPLINT.ZIP Data compression for 'C' from Japan
SQ.ZIP File Compression Routines.
SQ_USQ.ZIP C source of usq and sq (ver 18)
SQDATE.ZIP Standardized Time and Date encoding in Greenlaw-type squeezed files.
SQPC131.ZIP Vernon Buerg's fast file squeezer, like NSQ
SQUEEZE.ZIP How file-compression works
SQUPORT.ZIP Portable squeeze-unsqueeze in C
TARIN.ZIP How to use TAR compression
TCMP100.ZIP A good filecompression library source
TCMP-S.ZIP Tesseract Programmers Compression Pak
TPLZH026.ZIP Huffman compression Engine v0.26 for Turbo Pascal
U16_V12.ZIP Decompress pgm for 16-bit LZW from 'COMPRESS'
UNARJ241.ZIP UnArj 2.41 file archiver source (C)
UNCR233.ZIP Uncrunch CP/M 'Z' files on MSDOS, w/wild cards
UNNATURA.ZIP New floppy disk outperforms most hard disks
UNZ50P1.ZIP UNZIP C source code compatible with new PK unzip supporting deflation algorithm. For many target systems including UNIX, VMS, DOS, OS2, ATARI, NT, and AMIGA, patch level 5.1
UNZIP512.ZIP Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12 extractor, C source code
UNZIPIT.ZIP Quickly unzip and scan for virus for ZIP files
UUCONVER.ZIP UUConvert - portable uudecode (with uucat) by wiegley (C)
V42BIS.ZIP Technology update on data compression
ZIP201.ZIP Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.01, C source code
ZIP20X.ZIP Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, MS-DOS EXEs
ZLIB-099.ZIP Zlib 1.0 is a general purpose data compression library., source